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  • Writer's pictureSung-Bin Park

Service - 2019 ServICE Conference @ ICS

Updated: Apr 14, 2021

11/15/2019 - 11/17/2019

CAS Learning Outcomes:

- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

- Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

- Recognize and consider the ethics of choices and actions

A three day conference held at ICS to inspire, connect, and empower international students about service. On the first day of the conference, I went on a BYB Trip to Second Chance Bangkok, a second hand shop supporting women from Bangkok's largest slum community by "giving them a second chance through fair and sustainable employment".

For the first half of the trip, my BYB group listened to stories of workers at SCB and the struggles they went through to end the poverty cycle. The employees seemed like they genuinely enjoyed their job. One comment that really stuck with me was: "Working at SCB made me feel more valuable because I realized I was giving back to my community."

For the second half of the trip, my BYB group split into two and each group walked through the slum community. While walking past houses of various shapes and sizes, I realized that my view of slums was very prejudiced. Initially, I thought that life in a slum would be very sketchy and dangerous. But in fact, a lot of the households kept their doors open, showing that there was an actual community in which people looked out for each other. There were also a couple of stores which sold food like chips and cup noodles. There was also a big stage and a playground.

While it was a great experience - very eye-opening, I don't think I would want to go on another visit. I didn't realize it at the very moment I was walking through the streets of the slum, but now that I think about it, the act of "visiting and observing" a community dehumanizes the community as a whole.

Instead of paying one-time visits to slums, I think a better solution is to help out by donating more clothing to organizations like SCB and help keep them sustainable.

A drawstring bag I received on the first day of ServICE. Made by workers at SCB by up-cycling used clothing into a bag.

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