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  • Writer's pictureSung-Bin Park

Activity - Cycling @ Suvarnabhumi Airport Sky Lane

Updated: Apr 14, 2021


CAS Learning Outcomes:

- Identify own strengths and develop areas for growth

- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

- Show commitment to and perseverance in CAS experiences

On New Year's, I went to cycle at the Suvarnabhumi Airport Sky Lane with my dad and my brother. Unfortunately, my dad couldn't bike with us because his bicycle tire wouldn't inflate properly.

The track was 23.25km long. After the first 5km, I thought I wouldn't be able to complete the course because I felt quite dizzy (my body wasn't used to it because I rarely exercise). Also, my butt really hurt. It still hurts at the moment I'm writing this. Surprisingly, I did end up finishing the whole 23.25km long track in 1hr 36min.

A lot of thoughts came to mind after I completed the track. First of all, I was really proud of myself. At first, I thought I wouldn't be able to complete one cycle but somehow I did by simply pushing myself. Second, I thought that I really should start exercising on a regular basis. The fact that I felt dizzy and nauseous just after 5km of cycling shows that my body is really weak. This made me reflect on my goals. Until now, my biggest goal for my high school career had been to finish IB well. Finishing IB well had simply meant getting a decent score which would get me into a school of my choice. But yesterday, I realized that my health might end up pushing me back from my goals. So now, my definition of finishing IB well is getting a decent score while maintaining my physical and mental health.

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